RP2040: Library & Tools for Astrobe Available
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:45 am
Today, I have made available a first set of Oberon modules to program the RP2040 using Astrobe for Cortex-M0, v9.0.3. There's also a tool to transmogrify Astrobe '.bin' file to the contents and UF2 format for the RP2040.
The library contains as of today:
1) Basics to get off the ground: clocks, reset releases, memory configuration and management, run-time error handling, GPIO, Exceptions, MCU-style definitions (register addresses and such), programming both cores: https://oberon-rtk.org/lib/
2) Formatted Text output to two serial terminals: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/text-io/
3) A first variant of a cooperative (non-preemptive) multi-threading kernel: https://oberon-rtk.org/lib/kernel-v1/kernel-v1-desc/
Info & docs: I have set up a website with information and some minimum first documentation: https://oberon-rtk.org
Repository: the library and tools can be found in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk
Examples: there are two example programs to get you started: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/
Dependency: you need a registered copy of Astrobe for Cortex-M0 (v9.0.3) to build the code
Astrobe settings: see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/astrobe/
File converter/uploader: see the 'tools' folder; for usage and installation instructions see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/abin2uf2/
The library contains as of today:
1) Basics to get off the ground: clocks, reset releases, memory configuration and management, run-time error handling, GPIO, Exceptions, MCU-style definitions (register addresses and such), programming both cores: https://oberon-rtk.org/lib/
2) Formatted Text output to two serial terminals: https://oberon-rtk.org/description/text-io/
3) A first variant of a cooperative (non-preemptive) multi-threading kernel: https://oberon-rtk.org/lib/kernel-v1/kernel-v1-desc/
Info & docs: I have set up a website with information and some minimum first documentation: https://oberon-rtk.org
Repository: the library and tools can be found in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/ygrayne/oberon-rtk
Examples: there are two example programs to get you started: https://oberon-rtk.org/examples/
Dependency: you need a registered copy of Astrobe for Cortex-M0 (v9.0.3) to build the code
Astrobe settings: see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/astrobe/
File converter/uploader: see the 'tools' folder; for usage and installation instructions see https://oberon-rtk.org/tools/abin2uf2/