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SD Drive on TFT Display Board
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:24 pm
by mrlx
I am attempting to get the HCTest example working with the SD drive on the underside of the Adafruit 160x128 TFT display breakout board. I have it connected to the Pico using only the connections needed for the SD drive. I have an 8GB SD in the drive and am monitoring the trace output via the WaveShare board. HCTest gets as far as involving HCConfig Init and makes no additional progress. How long should the Init take? Any important information needed to succeed? Thanks.
Re: SD Drive on TFT Display Board
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 12:16 am
by cfbsoftware
We have tested HCTest successfully on the Opus-Two Micro-SD Adapter. You can order them from here: ... uation-kit
FYI - these are manufactured and sold by one of our
Astrobe users.
I just tried the same HCTest code using the SD Card socket on the Adafruit 160x128 TFT display breakout board and had the same unsuccessful result as you. I compared the schematics of both systems and found what may be a significant difference.
- The AdaFruit adapter expects 5V level inputs which are converted to 3.3V via level shifters to the SD card. This suits connecting the SD card to an Arduino.
- The Opus-Two board is simpler and only requires 3.3V signals. This suits connecting the SD card to the Pi Pico.
Maybe that is the problem?