Uploading programs / dynamic linking
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:39 pm
Currently we are uploading via the RS232 link which runs at 19.2Kbaud.captbill wrote:What is the upload speed of the user space programs?
Although this is slower than the speed used when uploading to Cortex-M3 / M4 targets using Astrobe, less data needs to be transferred. Astrobe Cortex targets require you to link the program first with all of the library modules it uses and then all of this code is uploaded. On the RISC5 system you only need to upload the actual object code that you have written for your application. When you run your program it is dynamically linked with the library modules it needs. These are likely to be in RAM already - if not they are loaded very quickly from the SD card and are ready to be used again until the system is rebooted.