Oberon Source / RISC5 instructions listing

General discussions about using the Astrobe IDE to program the FPGA RISC5 cpu used in Project Oberon 2013
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Oberon Source / RISC5 instructions listing

Post by cfbsoftware » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:04 am

One of the enhancements included in the Astrobe version of the RISC5 Oberon compiler is the generation of a listing file which shows each line of Oberon source code followed by the corresponding RISC5 instructions for the object code that was generated. The style and colour of the font used for the instruction code lines can be set in Tools > Preferences > Syntax Colours > Assembler. The Astrobe > Project > Disassemble opens the listing file of the current module in a new tabbed window.

As well as allowing a greater understanding of how the compiler works this listing can be useful if you are fine-tuning the size or performance of a module and want to compare the actual code generated by various algorithms.

An example listing is:
Disassemble.jpg (80.48999999999999 KiB) Viewed 15505 times

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